At the end of February, some friends of Logan's family threw me a bridal shower in Rockwall. I had such a great time getting to finally meet so many people I've heard so much about.
The cake was adorable! (And delicious too.)
I had to keep myself away from the cheese platter once again. Man, do I love those little cheese cubes! The punch was addicting, and they even let me take home the flowers and pretty vases!
Look at all that loot!! :)
Trying not to break any bows. Apparently there's an old wives tale that for each bow you break, you'll have one child. After all my showers were said and done, I'd broken 5 bows and split one in half - so I guess we're having 5 kids and a set of twins. Wow!
Logan's sister Lacie, modeling some of the flowers from the gift wrap.
LOVE this platter. It matches our dishes!
And here they are - the dinner plates.
My parents got Logan and I the wine rack we registered for at Crate and Barrel. Since it won't be delivered until mid March, she cut out a picture of it and wrapped that instead. :)
Another one of my favorite gifts are these amazing sheets! 750 thread count, baby!! They're on my bed right now, and are SO soft.

I had such a wonderful time at the shower. Everyone was increadibly generous and really set us up for married life. Can't wait to see everyone again at the wedding!
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