The night started out with dinner at Sambuca, then we headed to Hotel Zaza where Leanne had rented a room for the lingere shower. There was plenty of champagne, dessert and gifts! After the lingere, we went to Capital Grille for some Stoli-Dolies. Next we went to my favorite bar (and my old stomping grounds), the Quarter Bar. At the end of the night, we headed over to Dragonfly, which is the bar at Hotel Zaza. When they closed, we all headed upstairs and fell asleep waiting for room service. :)
Now, to start at the beginning... here I am at dinner with Jacqueline and Leanne, the hosts for the night!
Jessica and Leah at dinner. Jessica loved Logan's sisters so much that she kept talking about wanting to become an honorary Lowry too! (I told you they were awesome!)
Whitney, Leslie and I.
Jessica, Jacqueline, Haley, Whitney, Leanne and I took a picture outside of Sambuca after dinner.
Back at Hotel Zaza, Leanne had made chocolate covered strawberries (which were amazing!) and brownie bites. Turns out both of these things go well with champagne. :)
Time for the lingere!

Clearly, I can't tell you what this is...
... or this!!
This was the "sexy" lingere Logan's sisters got me!
This is probably the scariest face I've ever seen, but I promise we were all just laughing really, really hard. 
Whitney and Haley at Capital Grille
Jessica, Lacie and I, waiting for our Stoli Dolies!
Lyndsie and Leah
Leanne and Leslie were bonding!
And neither one of them are big on people being in their personal space (like hugging), so here they are proving that they can too touch people! :)
Leaving Capital Grille, and on the way to Quarter Bar!

Jessica, "shakin' it" as she would say!
Waiting on a cab. Yikes!
Yay!! We all finally made it to Quarter Bar!
Leanne bought us all a round of Red Snappers - whatever that is!

Awww, I love me some Leslie!
I am determined for Leanne to like it when I hug her!! (So maybe in the future I'll work up to the cheek kiss...)

Ohhh, poor Jessica. ;) I was just giving her a pep talk!
See?? She's already starting to like it.
Leanne, Whitney and Haley on the upstairs patio of Quarter Bar.
Hey Lorin! Congrats on your engagement, good luck with the wedding and THANK YOU for making The Quarter Bar a part of your special, crazy Bachelorette Party night!
nice 'sexy lingerie' and i really for the poker card table
looks like you guys had a lot of fun :)
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