Anyway, I've noticed several similarities in these actors.
Doesn't Pam (Jenna Fischer) look like a green eyed version of Maura Tierney??

Second, does Steve Carell remind anyone else of my dad?? Kinda freaky sometimes...

So that might not be the best picture to prove my point, but it's funny anyway. Jessica was trying to teach my dad how to throw gang signs. Funny in and of itself.
Okay, and doesn't Stan remind you of Cleveland on Family Guy? I actually looked it up to make sure it wasn't the same person doing the voice. (It's not.)

And how cute is Jim??

Alright, time to fix dinner and do some laundry. And then watch Dexter!
yea!!! glad you love the office!
i am addicted to season 3...when there is nothing else i just watch it over and over...and i still laugh!! :) hope to see you soon!!
We love the office! It is a great show!
I am so jealous you have showtime. We are just now watching season 3 on dvd (blah). Warn me if you going to blog about the show.
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