Happy 4th of July! I had so much fun this past weekend. First we went to Margaret's pool for an afternoon pool party. She lives at the new Gables Villa Rosa, and the pool was gorgeous. Everything was going well until it started to sprinkle. We all tried to ignore it, but the next thing you know it started pouring on us, so we had to leave. I know its expected to get wet at the pool, but somehow being rained on just isn't the same. Next we picked up Logan's sister Lacie from the airport. It was so good to see her! She is a news anchor down in Harlingen near South Padre, so I'll get to see her again in a few weeks when I go to the beach. I sure wish she lived closer so we could play more often. So after picking up Lacie, we headed out to Logan's parents house in Rockwall. We swam in the pool, ate tons of fabulous food, and then when it was dark we climbed up onto their roof to watch the fireworks. Their house overlooks the lake, and from the roof we could see every fireworks show for miles and miles. I counted at least 9 different ones. It was really cool - except for the fact that I couldn't get that Yankee Doodle song out of my head. I kept this to myself so I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of his family.
I had to work Sunday, but Logan and Chris and Leslie Thomas brought me lunch with all kinds of love notes on the napkins for me. They were obviously from Leslie. :) After work, Logan and I went to Trulucks for dinner. He got the King Crab, and I had a hard time watching him eat it. I don't like my food to look like it could get up and walk off the table. He loved it. I tried a bite, but I just can't do that texture. The taste was alright, but the texture... I was planning on being healthy, but Logan sure did order the award winning carrot cake for dessert. Its a huge slice of carrot cake thats at least 6 layers tall, covered with cream cheese frosting and served with hot melted butterscotch sauce and candied pecans on the side. Basically, its heaven on a plate. You HAVE to go there and try it.

Saturday we had our early morning Weight Watchers meeting, (I lost another 1.6 lbs!!) and then loaded up in the car to head to Mt. Vernon, TX. Logan's dad's side of the family has over 600 acres out there, and a big, beautiful plantation style mansion that we all met at. I think I must have met about 50 people that day, which is a lot of names to remember! I'm working on it. Anyway, we rode 4 wheelers around their property, all throughout the woods. Logan drove ours, and several times I found myself screaming like a little girl. It was embarrassing when everyone would turn and stare. But hey, he was going too fast! Anyway, during the 4 wheeling, we even saw a couple of deer. I didn't even know they had deer in Texas! We also saw some wild hog's tracks, which is supposed to be scary since they're mean, but I never saw one up close. I kept picturing Pumba from the Lion King, and he just doesn't scare me. After the 4 wheeling, we were pretty hot, so we swam in the pool, and then ate more food and I got to hear funny stories about Logan's family. Everyone was so nice and welcoming to me. I had a great time and can't wait to go again - but next time I'm driving the 4 wheeler. It is my goal to make Logan scream like a little girl. That's funny.
Well, that about covers it. Its back to the real world of healthy eating and working. I'm going out to McKinney tonight to cook dinner for my parents. My mom had to come back from her mission trip to South Africa early because she broke her arm. (Specifically her right humerus, for all you nurses out there.) They obviously didn't have an x-ray machine out there, so when she gets back today she has an appointment to get it checked out to see how bad the break is. I hope my cooking is up to snuff... I'm making my famous ass-kickin'-chicken recipe.
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