Well, we just got back from Vegas yesterday. Our friends Glenn and Jenny got married at Mandalay Bay, which was beautiful. This was my first time to go to Vegas, and I had a BLAST! It was so different than I expected. I thought it was all about gambling and drinking (and it is), but there's also tons of other things to do that I didn't know about. So sit back and relax - this is going to be the motherload of blog pictures.
You know how when you get on an airplane, you always hope there won't be anyone sitting

in the seat next to you - and if there is, that they'll at least be normal and not talk to you too much? No such luck. After we'd been seated for a good 10 minutes we thought we were in the clear. Next thing you know there's an old man with a long scraggly white beard coming towards us. I really thought he was homeless. Turns out after hearing his story (and smelling what can only be described as the worst breath ever) he had been hired by a mall in Sacremento to play Santa Clause for the next 45 days. Apparently a Santa with a real beard is a rarity. Who knew? Here's Logan taking a breather (from the man's breath). See Santa?

We stayed at THEhotel at Mandalay Bay, which was gorgeous. Every room is a suite, so it was pretty big. My favorite part was the bathtub. It was so deep and relaxing, with a perfect view of the flatscreen TV on the wall. Aaahhhh. Anyway, our room had a view of the other side of Mandalay Bay, including the beach area which has sand, a wave pool, and a lazy river. We couldn't believe there were actually people in the water. I know its the desert, but it wasn't THAT hot. The next picture is of one of the chandeliers made from blown glass in the hotel lobby. I loved it.

After unpacking, we hit the slot machines! It only took ten minutes, and I'd already won $100!! The next day I won another $50, but was sucked into the trap of trying to win more and ended up losing it. (It was still fun though.) My favorite game ended up being the spinning money wheel. I have no idea what its actually called, but you basically just guess what dollar amount the wheel is going to land on, and if you're right, you win money! I won $88 on that one! Here's Logan and me playing the slots that first night. Well, I'm playing, Logan was... being Logan. :)

Later that night, we went to see Cirque Du Soleil's "O". This show was by FAR the most amazing thing I've seen in my entire life. It had tons of acrobatics, dancing, diving, synchronized swimming - you name it, it was a part of the show. Our seats were increadible. We were on the third row near the middle. On the ticket, it actually said "wet seats", and there were several times the people around us got splashed by the dancers or the diving during the show. We lucked out and only really got wet during the "storm" part. I dont' know how they did it, but it felt and sounded like we were in the middle of a thunder storm. Wind and everything.

Here's the celing of the "O" theatre. It was beautiful! And here it is again with a dancer twirling from the celing. After that, they said there were no more pictures allowed.

The night before the wedding, there was a get together for everyone that came to meet each other if they hadn't already. I have no idea what or why Patrick was wearing what he was, but he was excited about it, and it was the hit of the party. Especially the belt.

The next day was the wedding day. The girls spent the afternoon at the spa. I had my first hot stone massage, which was great. We hung out in the jacuzzi for a while, and then headed back upstairs to get ready for the big event. The wedding was in one of the chappels at Mandalay Bay, and it was really pretty. Short and sweet - just my style. The wedding reception was at Border Grill where we all had a fantastic time.
Here's Glenn and Jenny, and then a picture of the ring! I didn't get a close up of Glenn's ring, but I know he's excited to finally get to wear it. I hear he'd wear it at home and beg Jenny to let him wear it in public for weeks before the wedding. :)

The girls at the reception, and then Logan and me.
I thought the celing at the reception was cute. So are Logan and McNolty. :)

After the reception, we all went up to Mix, which is the club at the top of THEhotel. We got to sit in the VIP area, and had bottle service - both of which I've decided I like. Haley and Chelsey always tell me I make really good drinks, so I played bartender all night. Forget the whole nursing thing, I think I've found my calling!
Here's the girls, and then Logan and me outside on the patio with a fantastic view of the strip behind us. (Pics of that to come later...)
Here's a close up of our bottle service being set up, and then Chelsey modeling it.

A few of Haley and me... as usual!

Chelsey and me, then Logan, Tony and McShann.

And now for the fantastic views from Mix! The first is the view you can see from practically anywhere in the bar through the wall of windows. After that, I zoomed in and took closer pics of some of my favorites. They're pretty self explanitory.

See the DJ booth and catwalk?

Here's another wall I liked at Rum Jungle. Then is the bathroom celing. I know thats a weird thing to take a picture of, but it was so cool! There was only a half wall between the men's and women's bathroom, so when you look up you can see the stars in your bathroom and theirs.

We all spent the last day in the Sports Book, which is basically a man's heaven on earth. It is covered wall to wall (at least a couple of stories tall) with giant TV's showing just about every game being broadcast, and all the scores and odds of every game in the universe.

The end of the Steelers vs Chargers game was extremely suspenseful - if you saw the game, you know what I'm talking about, and you'll completely understand this picture of the boys jumping up and down, screaming and celebrating their victory. You'll also appreciate the picture of Logan looking happier than a kid on Christmas morning since he won that bet.

And FINALLY, the last picture of the trip: Logan and me on the way home. We. Are. Exhausted. But a good time was had by all!
Im so glad that you loved Vegas. Some day before we are too old we need to go together.
i didnt realize that was your first time! we were there in august for my birthday, and that was my first time too. we definitely want to go back (its brads playground) cuz i want to see/do more!!
It looked like so much fun!!! AND you guys looked beautiful!!
wow, that is a lot of pictures.
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