Logan and I have been toying with the idea of getting a Great Dane for a while now. About 10 months ago I found a breeder that I just love. She has a great breeding program, fantastic looking dogs, and she's breeding for the right reasons. Well, about 4 weeks ago a new litter was born, and that's when I fell in love. His name right now is Orson (if we get him we may change it), but he is THE cutest puppy. We're seriously talking about getting him, so I need everyone's help (all 4 readers!) with convincing Logan it is a good decision. I've already talked to the breeder, and his personality would be great with Lucy's overbearing one. ;) Isn't he precious???
So cute! I just love puppies! His eyes are so gorgeous!
I vote YES! He's ADORABLE! :)
I vote yes...Jason and I have decided that after one of our dogs bites the big one we are getting a great dane and naming her Fiona. They are the best dogs because they are lazy. They require very little exercise and I heard they are great apartment dogs!!! I vote YES. AND... I LOVE the name ORSON!!!!!!
lets see I am a dog lover so yes he is so cute and has beautiful eyes, how could you say no
I'm Jealous.
hey lorin! i'm coming clean and letting you know i found your blog and love reading what yall are up to. had to comment today because that little thing is TOO CUTE!! tell logan to go for it! -kinsey
Oh my goodness!!!! You know I love Great Danes so I have to vote a big yes on this one! Logan will learn to love him, I'm sure.
i added you to my list...hope that's ok :-) saw your pics from vegas on facebook too...we were sad to miss out, but looks like yall all had fun!
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