Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

Big Boy Stroller!

The other day I decided to try Knox in his big boy stroller, and he did great!
2.  First time in big boy stroller The weather has been so nice, we’ve been enjoying walks around the neighborhood.
4.  Mommy and Knox

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lakehouse Visit

To celebrate Logan, Lacie, and Lyndsie’s birthdays, we all went down to the lakehouse for the weekend.  It was great to get away for a bit, and Knox had a blast with so many people there to entertain him!

Smiling with Aunt Lacie!
1. Knox and Lacie Laughing at Daddy wearing glasses. 2.  Playing with Daddy and Lacie Aunt Lyndsie’s turn!6.  Knox and Lyndsie
Playing with Leah!10.  Knox and Leah

Friday, April 27, 2012

Zooming Around

Boys will be boys!  Logan loves zooming Knox around the house.  Incidentally, Knox loves it too.  :)  1.  Zooming around with Daddy2.  Zooming Checking stuff out.  3.  Checking stuff out

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First Oatmeal…

Decided to mix things up a bit and let Knox have oatmeal for the first time. 
5.  Oatmeal “What is that???”  (I love that face.  I wasn’t sure if he like it at first!)
1.  First Oatmeal But it turns out, he’s a BIG fan.  So much so that we haven’t gone back to the rice cereal.  He thanks us.  :) 2.  I like it! Yum!
3.  Blue eyes! Playing with those feet again.  Look how big they are!  I think he’ll be a tall one…4.  Big feet

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy 2 years to us!

On April 17th, Logan and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary.  My mom came over and watched Knox while Logan and I went out for a nice steak dinner.  (My favorite!) 1.  Happy 2 year anniversary! Logan surprised me with some pretty flowers.  Good husband.  :)  7.  Anniversary flowers
And I surprised him with a miniature version of our grooms cake.  (Good wife!)
2.  Grooms cake Our wedding cake baker is so sweet.  I absolutely loved working with her.  She only does a few cakes each week, but has graciously agreed for the second year in a row now to bake us a mini cake.  (It’s actually pretty big, but it’s the smallest one she offers!)  It was amazing. 
3.  Grooms cake Apple butter cake with apple butter filling, and milk chocolate icing.  Mmmmm…
5.  Cut grooms cake We’ve had a wonderful two years of marriage so far, full of vacations, pregnancy, a new home, and the birth of our sweet boy.  Logan is such a great husband.  I love this man, and am looking forward to many, many more years ahead. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Knox LOVES this little tool workbench toy.  (And Logan and I find ourselves walking around the house, singing it’s songs without realizing it.)
2.  Chewing fingers Peek-A-Boo is also a fun game!
3.  Where's Knox There he is!
4.  There he is!
Playing with his toes, and his musical turtle.  Multi-tasking starts at an early age!  ;)
5.  Playing with musical turtle
A friend of mine went to Europe for 17 days, and I volunteered to keep her sweet Great Dane, Nixon, while she was gone.  Nixon was SUCH a love, and was really great with Knox.  So gentle and protective of him.  Every night, he would poke his head over Knox’s bassinet to check on him before he’d finally settle down and sleep for the night. 
1.  Knox and Nixon More fun in the exersaucer!
2.  Hi!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy 5 Months, Knox!!

On April 11th, our little man turned 5 months old!  It is so much fun watching his personality come out.  He loves smiling and laughing.  I can always get a smile out of him by singing “Walk Like A Man” by Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons.  No clue why he loves that song so much, but a lot of times that’s how I get him to smile in pictures.  :)

He definitely has his preferences and opinions about how he wants to do things, and he’s quite vocal in letting you know if you’re not doing it right.  :)  He used to only want to be carried facing backwards so he could look over your shoulder.  NEVER cradled like a baby.  Well, now he wants to sit on your hip and face out so he can see what’s going on.  Same with being rocked.  He used to like being up on my shoulder, but now wants to sit in my lap like a big boy.  

My most favorite new trick of his began April 5, 2012 when he started giving “kisses”.  Right now it’s more him smooshing his slobbery mouth all over your face, but he really is giving kisses, and it’s really, really sweet.  He’ll do it when you ask for them, but my favorite thing is when he does it just because.  :)  He looks so proud of himself afterwards.  Such a sweetie. 
2.  5 months in chairOn April 10, 2012 he started being able to sit up for short (and I mean very short) periods of time.  If I don’t watch it, he either slumps over to the side or face plants, but he’s getting better at supporting his trunk for a bit.  
4.  5 months smiling
5.  5 months smiling Tried to get the monthly shot of his baby feet, but his baby hands are always so busy, they found their way into my picture too.  :) 
6.  Baby hands and feetHe’s still chewing on anything and everything he can get his hands on.  I keep thinking that any day now I’m going to see his first tooth poking through, but it hasn’t made it’s appearance just yet.  He loves gnawing on his frozen teethers or even just a frozen wash rag. 
10.  5 monthsHe’s also so curious about what everything is.  Once he realized he had a sticker on his shirt, I couldn’t get him to leave it alone.  Not even my tried and true Frankie Valli song could distract him…
15.  Playing with sticker
Trying out some tummy time – which still never lasts long since he likes to automatically practice rolling over. 
13.  Tummy time Love those chunky legs!  He really loves being in his exersaucer, and has gotten the hang of how to spin himself around to play at the different stations.  It’s funny – we had the exersaucer on the lowest setting, and still had to put something under him so his feet could touch.  But now, he’s already grown enough that we’ve actually had to raise the height setting. 
1.  Chunky baby legs Such a happy boy!
2.  Happy boy! 3.  Silly face On March 14, 2012, he discovered his toes, and now really enjoys playing with them. It’s funny to see how fascinated he is with them.
4.  Playing with my toes
He doesn’t quite sleep through the night just yet, but we’re making progress!  For the most part he’s dropped his 11 pm feeding, so he goes to bed around 7 pm and doesn’t wake up to eat until around 4 am.  After he nurses, he easily goes back to sleep until around 6:30.  He’s now on a pretty regular 9 am, 1 pm, 4 pm nap schedule, but the length of the naps are still pretty short.  (40 minutes tops.)  He’ll usually get one good hour and a half nap with that first one – but only if I’m laying down with him.  He’s started waking up after that 40 minute mark, but if I pretend to be asleep he’ll usually go back to sleep after 10 minutes or so.  I’ve tried everything I can to lengthen his other naps, but I think I’ve finally come to the realization that he was just born to be a short napper. 

Knox is such a little love bug.  Logan and I literally tell ourselves every night how amazing he is, and how lucky we are.  I just can’t get enough of my little man!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Crunchy chips are hilarious!!

I was eating my lunch the other day, and he kept laughing when I'd crunch on chips. No clue why... But I'm happy to oblige. :)

YouTube Video

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My little stinker

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This will make your day

On Easter Sunday, Knox started cracking up at Logan clapping. We have no idea why he thought this was so funny, but it sure is entertaining to watch him get so worked up about it. :)

YouTube Video

The second video was the night before - Knox thought Logan swinging a golf club was pretty great. I apologize if you get sea sick watching... Logan had to record it and swing the club at the same time.

YouTube Video

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter weekend!  Saturday we spent the day at Logan’s parent’s house, so everyone there got to have some good snuggle time with Knox, who was in a great mood!  Then Sunday Logan, Knox and I went to church together.  We took Knox into the service with us instead of leaving him in the nursery (I’m not quite ready for that yet…) and he did pretty well.  Logan had to take him out into the hall for about the last 10 minutes because Knox was getting fidgety, but other than that he was perfect.  After church, Logan had to go in to work to do some tax returns, and Knox and I went to Shelby and Peggy Creel’s house for lunch with my family.  

The Easter Bunny came to visit Knox!  He brought some books, 2 swimsuits, and some toys!2.  Easter Basket Swinging with Sophie.
3.  Swinging Posing with his Easter Basket.
5.  Knox and Easter basket 7.  Knox smiling with easter basket Cool toys!
9.  Playing with easter ball 10.  Knox with easter toy 14.  Knox and basket Fascinated by the carpet.  :)
16.  Carpet is fun With Mommy.  :)
19.  Knox and Mommy
Happy Easter!!  :) 17.  Knox and Mommy