Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Check out our new party trick!
Proud momma!
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Monday, February 27, 2012
Relaxing afternoon
Shopping buddy
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Bear-y Cute!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Just hanging out…
Wanted to share some more cute pics of my little butterball. :)
I just love that little round face!
Better and better every day at sitting up in the Bumbo. I put him up on my legs while I was laying down, and at first he was a little unsure…
But he ended up liking it!
Then I got some of the cutest smiles out of him! I just love that happy face! How can it not make your day??
Dancing on the counter with Daddy while I cooked dinner.
Some more milestones: On February 19, 2012, he started raising his feet up in the air while he lays down to check them out. Next thing you know he’ll be trying to chew on his toes! On February 20, 2012 he started trying to reach for toys while he sits up instead of just when he’s laying down. Once he gets a hold of a toy, he tries to put it in his mouth, of course, but he can actually hold on to them for a little bit! And on February 21, 2012 he started reaching out to push the buttons on his musical toys.
I know I always say this, but it’s so much fun watching him learn new things. I’m sure all of these little milestones I’m keeping track of aren’t nearly as interesting to others, but for me they’re just little ways I see him developing and learning something new. Even the small things make me so proud! :)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Celebrating Erin and Cole’s Growing Family!
Yesterday my mom, Jessica and I hosted a shower for my cousin Cole and his wife Erin. Last month three sweet little kiddos came to live with them, and will hopefully become permanent additions to their family in the next few months! Until everything is official, we can’t post pictures of them, but trust me when I say they are adorable!
We had tons of yummy food!
And once Knox woke up from his nap, he got to be part of the action too. I think watching all the kids running around everywhere was pretty entertaining to him. We had fun balloon decorations everywhere!
It was a little past his bedtime, but after everyone left and everything was cleaned up, I tried to get a good picture of the two of us. He was a little grumpy. Apparently he doesn’t like being woken up… just like his Momma. ;)
Take two: a little better.
We’re so excited for you, Erin and Cole!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Happy Three Months!
Oh, time is flying way too fast! I cannot believe my sweet baby is already three months old! I’m having SO much fun watching him grow and change, and learn new things, but it’s all going so fast. There’s a commercial that says “You only have a baby for a year. You have a child for life.” I imagine this year is going to keep flying by, and before I know it I’ll have a busy toddler. Sigh. But for now, I’m certainly enjoying all the snuggle time I can get!
He’s bigger than the bear now!
Growing baby feet!
And sweet little baby hands…
I’ve been told by Logan’s family that he used to make this face as a kid too. They call it the Elvis lip. Sweet tiny grin.
Love those blue eyes!
He was so happy, just moving and kicking all over the place!
A little blurry, but I liked it anyway. :)
He’s still not sleeping through the night yet, but I’m hopeful that it will happen at some point before he goes to college. He sleeps in a bassinet next to my side of the bed, and I know at this point a lot of people have moved their baby to their crib in their own room, but I just don’t see the point yet since he’s still waking up so often to eat during the night. Why would I want to walk all the way upstairs to the opposite side of the house to feed him 3 times during the night? I’ve started trying to let him put himself back to sleep when he wakes up at night, but I honestly don't let him fuss for longer than 30 minutes. I’m tired, Logan’s tired, he’s tired, and ultimately I know that if I’ll just feed him, we’ll all get to go back to sleep. So, maybe it’s partially my fault that he’s still not sleeping through the night. Either way, I do still like having him in the same room as us. His room just seems so far!
He’s still great at putting himself back to sleep after he eats at night, and we’re finally starting to get a little routine going during the day. I’m still using my sleep Bible – the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book. I swear by it. Anyway, Knox is getting his daytime sleep a little more organized now. We aim for naps at 9, 12, and 3. His 9 am nap is usually pretty good, but the 12 and 3 pm naps are short, so by the end of the day he’s pretty exhausted. It’s hard because I know he’d like to take another cat nap around 5, but it’s so close to bedtime, I have a hard time letting him do that. I dunno, I’m still trying to figure out what to do there.
Other than that, now that he’s generally getting better sleep, he’s such a happy guy! I love seeing that little gummy grin, and he flashes it all the time. Logan and I have so much fun figuring out new ways to make him laugh. I’m also really enjoying my Pikkolo carrier. Since the weather has been so nice, we’ve gotten to go for several walks with it, and Knox seems to enjoy it too. He likes being held close and carried, and I like having my hands free. He’s getting pretty heavy, but with the carrier it’s not bad at all. Love it.
All in all things are going really well! Every day I think I couldn’t possibly love him more than I already do, but every day I wake up and I do. It’s unreal. I am so thankful that God chose me to be this guy’s mommy. It’s the best job in the world. :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Catching Up…
I suppose the new norm is for me to do long overdue updates in clusters! Things are still pretty busy around here, even though we’re finally getting a routine down. Knox is doing great, and is growing like a weed! Still no sign of him sleeping through the night in sight… but a girl can hope, right? :)
Okay. Let’s get started on the picture updates. Here’s Knox chilling on the couch with Daddy. He was 10 weeks old here.
Later that week, my mom and I took Knox to meet the ladies that work in the office at First Baptist. Everyone wanted to hold the little guy, and I think he enjoyed all the attention while I enjoyed everyone telling me how cute he is! Flirting with Mrs. Judy.
That was actually one of the last days he was still able to fit into his 3 month clothes. I couldn’t believe that my 11 week old baby was needing to wear 6 month size clothes already!!
A fun milestone: on January 22, 2012, when he saw me after waking up that morning, he giggled. Sweetest sound!
He really, really loves playing under his activity gym! These days, he’ll play under there and just coo and talk to the little toys hanging above him. He kicks up the conversation when the music plays. It’s so much fun to watch him having fun. He’s eleven weeks old here.
Another big milestone: on January 23, 2012, he realized that he can use his hands for more than just sucking on those fingers. He started reaching out and batting at the toys hanging over him. He also started reaching his fingers to my face and mouth, I guess to see what that’s all about. :)
He’s still not a huge fan of tummy time, but he’s getting better at tolerating it.
Aunt Lyndsie was in town, so we went to lunch and she got some good cuddle time.
I’d bought Knox this new outfit, and the baby wearing it in the picture looked so cute in the cardigan. I’m not quite sure I’m a fan of it on Knox… Probably our first and last cardigan purchase. :)
I am SO in love with this little guy! Bath time!
Getting much better at sitting up in the Bumbo! Logan’s mini-me. He claims he doesn’t see the resemblance…
Also getting better at tummy time! Look at him hold that head up!
All that sitting up in the Bumbo and doing tummy time wears a guy out! Guess he needed something a little stronger than breast milk after a long day…
In the next few pictures, Knox is twelve weeks old. Here, I’d just finished feeding him and was burping him on my shoulder when I heard a massive wet burp. Before I could get him off my shoulder, he’d apparently already rubbed his face around the burp cloth and spit up was everywhere. The pictures don’t even do it justice. It was all the way up in his eyebrows!
“Do I have something on my face?”
I brought the bassinet into the bathroom with me while I got ready one day. I think the sound of the water running in the shower helped him sleep! So peaceful… Sweet baby hands…
Another huge milestone! On February 6, 2012, Knox rolled over from front to back! After he did it, he seemed sort of surprised. :) He’s only done it a couple more times since then, but he’s really trying when he’s on his tummy now.
Last picture for the night. All snuggled up after bath time, 12 weeks old.