Monday, January 30, 2012
Knox "talking"
And one more...
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Sweet Boy...

So I'm trying this new app where I can blog from my phone, which will hopefully help me be able to update my blog more often. These days it gets overwhelming when I sit down and realize I have about 75 pictures to upload and talk about each time! We'll see how this works...
Today Knox and I met my dad for lunch at El Chico. Mr.Collins was there and doted on him as usual. :)
Knox is becoming more and more alert and learning new tricks every day. On January 22, 2012 he gave me a sweet giggle when I picked him up from his bassinet that morning, and on January 23, 2012 he started batting at his toys while he was playing under the play gym. He'd even open his hands to feel the toys and scratch at them. Later that day when I leaned down to smooch on him, he reached up and touched my face and put his fingers in my mouth. :) It's pretty cool to watch him learn that he can do things with those hands of his!
I've said it before, but this mommy-hood thing is seriously the best thing I've ever done. I wish I'd done it sooner, and I can't wait to have and meet the rest of our kids. (I know... tap the brakes, LaPrade. This one's only 10 weeks old!) I never understood how people didn't get bored staying at home with their babies, doing the same things every day. But I totally get it now, and I love it. It's a lot of hard work, but it's all completely worth it. My favorite place to be is at home with Knox snuggled up asleep on me. Best thing in the world. :)

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Saturday, January 21, 2012
What we’ve been up to…
Well, now that Knox is past the 8 week mark, we’ve been allowed to leave the house, and get out and about! Of course, I don’t leave the house without my travel sized Purel, but that won’t surprise anyone that knows me. :) We’re getting the hang of taking Knox out with us, and we’re actually pretty fast at getting the stroller set up. (Mostly because it’s an amazingly user friendly stroller, but still!) We’ve gone out to eat several times, and Knox does pretty well. We try to time it just right so that his tummy is full and he’ll sleep through dinner, but he usually ends up waking up once our food arrives. Now that he’s much more aware of his surroundings, he’s not as content to just chill out in his car seat while we eat. He wants to see what’s going on!
Ron Ron came to visit the other day and got in some quality time with him.
My new favorite picture – I finally caught a smile on camera! So Logan and I both had colds recently and I was so worried Knox would get it, especially when he woke up with a bit of a crusty nose one morning. But apparently the antibodies to my cold get passed to Knox through my breast milk, so he never really got sick. Pretty amazing! Anyway, since Logan and I were sick, and Knox’s nose was crusty, I broke out my stethoscope to make sure his lungs still sounded clear, and I got the biggest grin out of him! So sweet!
The next day I tried to get a good shot of him wearing his new Valentine’s outfit from Kim. He wasn’t in the mood for a photo shoot though, so I eventually had to give up. I know it’s a little early for Valentine’s clothes, but I really think he won’t be able to fit into this outfit by then!
The next day, we had lunch with Ron Ron at El Chico and then went back to his house. My dad was getting some really great smiles, and even a few giggles, which was a first!
I was able to catch a couple of them in a video with my phone. Not sure why it’s such a skinny picture, but it’s sweet all the same.
An attempt at a self portrait of the two of us.
The following day, Knox and I met my friend Aren and her baby Simon for lunch at Northpark. Simon was actually due 11-11-11, the day Knox was born, but he decided to come a couple of weeks early. I can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures of Knox and his new buddy Simon together!
After some mall walking, we stopped by my mom’s office and Dr. Warren and his wife Stacy got to play with Knox for a little bit. Then he decided it was nap time, and he got comfy on my mom’s lap. (I don’t know how she does it, but he loves laying like this on her!)
He finally calmed down a little, but not enough for smiles!
We had some more fun firsts this week! January 18th 2012 was a big day – Knox smiled at himself in the mirror for the first time, pushed himself up onto his forearms during tummy time, and had some little laughs at Ron Ron. On January 19th 2012, he had a little “conversation” with Stacy Warren. He’s been making little coo-ing noises for a few weeks now, but this was the first time he would coo back and forth with someone. So cute! That was also the day he fell in love with his fingers. :) He’s started sucking on them for comfort, which is fine with me! It means he’s beginning to learn how to self soothe! I’ve noticed yesterday and today that when I go to pick him up after naps and in the morning, he’s broken his arms out of his swaddle so that he can get to those fingers. Also, instead of immediately crying when he wakes up in the middle of the night for feedings, he now starts sucking on his fingers for several minutes first. That’s what actually wakes me up now. :)
Next week we have several lunch dates lined up, and I’m looking forward to introducing him to a few more of my friends. I’ll be sure to get pictures this time!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Happy Two Month Birthday, Knox!
On his actual 2 month birthday, Knox was feeling pretty crummy after getting three shots. Oh, that was so hard to watch. I didn’t think it would affect me since I actually love giving shots at work, but it was completely different watching him get them. He turned beet red, and did the cry where he was crying so hard no sound was coming out. And it was the first time he cried actual tears. It absolutely broke my heart, and by the third shot I was tearing up with him. He was so pitiful the rest of the day, so lots of extra cuddle time was needed, which was just fine with me.
So, because of that, we did our 2 month photo shoot extravaganza the next day when he was feeling a little perkier! Look at my happy baby!
Our monthly “Knox in the chair” shot with his blue bear. He’s definitely bigger!
He’s also recently discovered his tongue, and loves playing with it.
The monthly shot of his baby feet.
Next, we played under his activity gym for a bit until he got sleepy.
And then we tried to get in some tummy time. He’s still not a huge fan, but he’ll tolerate it for a little bit.
He was giving me all sorts of smiles when he woke up from his nap that afternoon, but of course, I couldn’t catch any with the camera.
I take so many pictures of him, the poor kid’s gonna think his mother’s face is silver and flashes at him.
Daddy gave him his bath this day, which Knox enjoyed as usual!
At his two month doctor’s appointment, we confirmed what we already knew: the boy likes to eat, and is growing like a weed. :) He weighed in at 12 lbs 13 oz and was 23 inches long. 90th percentile for both! He’s actually just about outgrown most of his 3 month onsies, and its really hard for me to believe he needs to be wearing 6 month clothes. It’s all going so fast!
He’s still doing great with sleeping at night. He now goes to bed around 9 pm and wakes up for feedings around 1:30, 4:30, and 7:30. Apparently most babies that go to bed at 9:00 wake up around 11:30 for a feed, and then sleep for four or five hours, so for a while I kept waiting up for Knox to wake up so I could feed him and then get several hours of uninterrupted sleep. Turns out he didn’t read that book, and his longest stretch of sleep starts at 9 pm. I’m trying to start going to bed then, but for a night owl like me, that’s really really hard!
On January 12, 2012, he discovered his new favorite trick which is to stand up – supported, of course. He loves facing me and pushing off my stomach with his feet into a standing position, and then sitting back down again. We do this over and over, and he loves it. He’s so proud of himself every time he stands up. :)
Happy Two Months, Knox! We sure do love you!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Bath Time!
My Love…
Monday, January 9, 2012
Happy New Year 2012!
Watching some TV before bed. ;) Once the little guy was off to bed, Logan and I had some champagne and tried to watch the New Year’s Eve ball drop in New York, but apparently Dallas thinks it’s New Year’s Eve celebration is superior to that of New York’s. They stopped showing the Times Square action at 10 pm! We were forced to watch the horrible programming on MTV to see the ball light up. I felt really, really old seeing the “kids” on MTV and realizing that I am waaaay out of their targeted demographic. Really. Old.
Regardless, we still had a great New Year’s Eve, and even stayed up past midnight. (This is something we’ve neglected to do for the past few years.) Party animals. ;)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Christmas Season, 2011
Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful holiday season this year, with an extra special little blessing to be thankful for. :)
Even though we were still completely sleep deprived and learning how to juggle caring for a newborn with just living daily life, I insisted on a Christmas tree – so we picked one out and had a great time decorating it. I love how Christmas trees smell when you first bring them home.
My mom got us a really cute ornament for 2011. :) And Knox got his own ornament from Nonnie and Ron Ron too.
Knox is doing a little better tolerating tummy time, but it really just depends on his mood at the time. I’m completely in love with those chubby cheeks and big blue eyes!
A picture with Mom.
His favorite place to be is up on your shoulder so he can look out and see what’s going on.
Uncle Ross came to visit.
On December 18th, we celebrated Christmas with Logan’s family in Rockwall. The sheer number of gifts under their tree is something you have to see in person to believe. :)
All the Lowrys.
Our little family of three.
Moo dressed up for the occasion!
Somebody got a full tummy and fell asleep… on his chins. :)
Leah getting her turn holding Knox.
Followed by Aunt Lacie.
And then he spent some time with La La.
Lacie and Moo took a nap together. :)
Pops finally got his turn to hold Knox.
We had a few days at home to relax between Christmas celebrations.
He was starting to learn how to smile at this point, but they’re so hard to catch in a picture! He looks like a little Chinese baby here. :) Logan decided to pop Knox’s collar for that tough guy look. Knox was not impressed. :)
On December 23rd, we celebrated Christmas with the LaPrades at my parent’s house. Love this picture of Knox on Logan’s shoulder.
My mom was so excited to get her hands on this little butterball!
Ross had to stretch out after we ate. :)
Cowboys gear for me to match Logan’s old faithful sweatshirt. I promise he has other clothes… Parker!
Mamaw opening her gifts.
Another sweet face. :)
And then there’s this sweet face… ;)
Aunt Jessica sure loves her nephew!
Waking up on Christmas Eve morning! Yes, Knox was still having to sleep on my chest at this point in order for any of us to get any sleep. (I miss that sweet time, so we still take a morning nap this way.) All dressed up for the Cowboys game!
How can you not love that sweet face??
Christmas Day!
Knox’s first Christmas!
We had a great time celebrating Christmas with our families this year, so much so that we did it three times. :) On Christmas Day, my parents and Mamaw and Papaw came out to our house for another round of gorging ourselves with food. Isn’t that what the holidays are about?? Well, that and sweet baby Jesus, of course. ;)
And once again, so I can keep track of his “firsts”: Knox first started having little smiles on December 13, 2011. He really started having big, real smiles on December 22, 2011. One of my favorite things is when he smiles when he sees me, especially when he’s just waking up. It completely melts my heart. I actually teared up the first time he smiled at me. :) I just think it’s the coolest thing that he recognizes me and likes me!
Another HUGE milestone is that on December 28th, Knox slept in his bassinet instead of having to sleep on me! He has started going to sleep around 10 pm and will sleep between 3 and 4 hours before waking up for feedings. He goes back to sleep pretty easily until 7 or 8 in the morning, so we’re getting much better sleep these days. Like I mentioned earlier, I actually miss the snuggle time of him sleeping on me, (and I know he won’t want to do it forever) so we take our morning nap that way. It’s actually nice because if he’s on me, he’ll sleep for 2 to 3 hours. If he naps in his bassinet, he’ll only sleep about 30 to 45 minutes.
He’s doing better with his feedings too. Instead of wanting to eat every hour and a half to two hours, he’s now able to go two and a half to three hours, which is so nice. I’ve given up on the idea of having a set daily schedule, and instead am striving towards a consistent daily routine. Things might not happen at the same time every day, but they typically happen in the same order, and I think the consistency working for us.
He’s definitely growing and changing every day, and I’m really enjoying being able to be home with him right now.