Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bye-Bye Birdfeeder...
Friday, July 24, 2009
I'm a cooker!
Last week I decided that if I'm old enough to be getting married, its time for me to learn how to cook. In 9 short months I'll have a real live husband to feed, so I better start practicing! So Logan and I bought a crock-pot, and I've been cooking up a storm ever since!
The first thing I cooked was an orange pork roast. Since I was breaking in the crock-pot, I decided to take pictures along the way. (Well, and to prove to the nay-sayers that I actually did cook!) So here's the roast in the crock-pot, sitting on top of the onions and covered with the maranade ready to be cooked.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We Have A String Quartet!

If you're interested in hearing music samples by them, here is the link:
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happy 4th of July!!
This year I spent July 4th out in the country at Fern and Chris' house with Mike, Leanne and some other friends. I wasn't able to go to the lake with Logan because I had planned to buy my wedding dress with my mom and Logan's mom the day after they left for the lake. (After visiting every wedding dress botique in a 40 mile radius, I found THE dress. It's beautiful, of course! Can't post pictures though -- you'll have to wait until April to see it!)
Anyway, on the way to Fern and Chris' house we stopped to buy fireworks at this huge fireworks stand. I bought what I thought at the time were the "big" ones... until I got to Fern and Chris' house and saw the TWO tables of fireworks they had. (I still liked mine though.) :)

Happy Birthday to Me!
So this year we played the birthday thing low key. Logan and I hadn't been to Margarita Ranch in about a year - actually since my 27th birthday. (This place's margaritas and queso were the catalyst for us joining Weight Watchers last year, so we've had to attempt to erase it from our memory.) But since it was a special occasion, we met my parents, Mamaw, and Ross and Jessica there for dinner.
After dinner the waitors brought me cake and sang happy birthday to me. Not sure why Logan has such a mischevious grin in this picture, but it's cute anyway. :)My mom, Jessica and me.
Sweet Mamaw was able to come! I love this woman! (She's so tiny!)
So at first I thought this gift from my parents was really random. They got me a bird feeder for my back porch. Turns out, I love the thing! I've really enjoyed watching the birds come and eat. The squirrels pick up the scraps the birds drop on the deck, but I've seen some really pretty red birds and blue birds chowing down out there. Good gift guys!
Ross and Jess!
The next weekend, Mike and Leanne had Logan and I over for a homecooked dinner. Leanne is an AMAZING cook. Anytime she offers to cook something, I'm there. (Not to help of course - to eat! I have no idea what I'm doing in the kitchen.) Anyway, she made pulled pork tacos and they were fabulous.
For appetizers she made bacon wrapped jalapenos stuffed with cheese. Best part of all - they were fat free since it was my birthday. (Calories don't count then, right?)
I had a great birthday this year! Thanks to my parents for the Margarita Ranch dinner, and to Mike and Leanne for having us over - again. :) (I bought a crock pot yesterday, so you'll be getting an invitation for dinner soon. Maybe I can return the favor and cook you guys something good?)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Introducing: Mike and Leanne Goodspeed!
This is the view from our room. The waves were HUGE while we were there. (10 to 15 feet tall.) When the waves would crash onto the shore, it would rattle the sliding glass door onto our balcony, and sounded like thunder. It was great for falling asleep to!