Now let me back up here and explain that picture, which I personally find hilarious. I'm sure the fact that I took it violates all sorts of patient confidentiality and HIPPA agreements - but if you fall asleep in the waiting room, you're fair game in my book. This woman kept making these moaning noises in her sleep. Not sure if she was having an exceptionally good dream or a nightmare. And I still can't figure out why she's got one of her shoes off...
This was my first time to see this eye doctor and being as directionally challenged as I am I obviously went to the wrong place first. The woman there tried giving me directions to the correct office, and she actually told me I needed to "widdle-waddle over that way a bit".
When I got there, I discovered I was easily the youngest person there - by several generations. However, when I still hadn't been seen by the doctor an hour after my scheduled appointment time I began to wonder just how long all these old people had been waiting...
Not to worry, once I got back to see the doctor (an hour and twenty minutes late) it only took another two hours of me waiting around in different exam rooms before I was finally finished. I had all sorts of drops put in to my eyes to dialate them (which I hate. It makes me nauseated.), and to numb them so he could poke on them and test the pressure (which I also hate. Its weird.) I think I'd be more frustrated if the end result hadn't been that my vision has FINALLY stabalized, making me a great candidate for Lasik. Apparently I'm not allowed to wear my contacts for two weeks. Glasses only. Then I have to go back and have exact eye measurements taken before they can do the surgery. So, I've started wearing my glasses today, and in two weeks I'll be on my way to having perfect vision!

1 comment:
You're so brave!
My mom had it...she has never looked back! It completely freaks me out! (which is odd because I'm up for having my stomach re-routed, but not with my eyes lasered!)
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