He was also excited about the coffee mug he got me. It says: "I've got
attitude, and I'm not afraid to use it". It's the perfect size, and he thought it described my morning personality all too well. (Pardon the lack of make-up in the picture. It was late.)

We got to spend Christmas day with Logan's family. All three of his sisters were in town and it was great to get to visit with them. We played Trivial Pursuit, of course, and once again Leah and I were required to be on opposite teams as we are without question the two "weakest links". Either way I'm still proud of myself for getting at least two questions right. Never mind that they were: "What is the most common color of a basketball", and "What company produces the iPod". Right is right, right? We were so busy eating (then napping), playing games and just visiting that I only took one picture there - but its a good one. Look at all that loot!!!
The day after Christmas we went to my parent's house. One funny thing was that my brother got three pairs of the same pajamas. Obviously they were Batman pajamas... for a 24 year old... but we all knew how much he'd like them and I guess everyone had the same idea when coming across them.
Here's my dad modeling his new pajama pants.

I got my mom one of my new favorite candles - Cranberry Chutney, by Yankee Candle Co. I've always thought its hard to find candles that actually fill the room with fragrance until I started using these. If you're a candle lover, definitely try these and Volcano #6 from Anthropology. LOVE them.

So mischevious... and so handsome!

Lucy had fun opening her present from my parents - a very squeaky new monkey toy. I've never met a dog that would just sit around and squeak any toy she can find. If it doesn't squeak, she moves on to the next one. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was that easy to shop for? (And don't worry. I've groomed Lucy since these pictures were taken.

Toby and I took a nap together.
For some reason, Logan fed Ross the chocolate chip cookies I made? I think they're bonding.

And lastly, a couple of random pictures that need no explanation.
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