We decided to move Knox’s bath time back downstairs to the ducky tub until he’s not slipping and sliding all over the bath tub as much. He seemed pretty happy to be back with his old friend. :)
Finally getting enough hair to sport a mini-mohawk!
Cheeeeese!!! (How can that face not make you smile?!?)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Still Loves His Ducky Tub!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
First Time in the Big Boy Bath!
Last night we tried bathing Knox in the upstairs bath tub instead of the blow-up ducky tub down in our bathroom. He did pretty well! I think he liked having all the extra space to play with his toys. The only problem was that he kept trying to pull up on the side of the tub and climb out! I spent the whole bath time trying to keep him sitting down so he wouldn’t slip. Not an easy feat!
Thinking about climbing out… There he goes!
Distracted by toys again.
So cute!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Just another day at the Lowry’s…
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Cutie Pie
Monday, July 16, 2012
Day 17 of Knox’s ISR lessons – Just about ready to graduate!!!
Here’s today’s video. It’s pretty amazing. The first video shows him bringing himself into a float after “falling” into the water from 3 different directions.
The next video is Knox “swimming”, being flipped, and floating.
Words cannot adequately express just how proud I am of Knox. I’ve had so many people tell me they want to enroll their kids in these swim classes because they’ve seen the videos of Knox doing it, and that makes me so happy! I’d love it if he could help someone else learn how to stay safe in the water too. :)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Happy 8 Months, Knox!!
Somebody is growing up WAY too fast! I seem to say this every month, but it keeps getting harder and harder to get these monthly “sticker” pictures because he doesn’t like sitting still!
This past month, he started banging toys together on June 24, 2012. I suppose that’s great fun. I know it’s quite loud!
On June 26, 2012 he started pulling his knees up under him. He did this for a while, but by July 5, 2012 he started pushing up onto his knees and elbows. On July 8, 2012 he started rocking back and forth on his knees and elbows and sometimes doing a little mini-crawl. On July 10, 2012 he started army crawling! (See the video here.)
On June 28, 2012, he slept through the night completely uninterrupted for the first time from 8 pm to 6:30 am!! It.Was.Glorious. :) Since then, he probably sleeps completely through the night about half of the time. When he does wake up, it’s only once, and he goes back to sleep fairly easily after eating. We’re moving in the right direction!![]()
Chubby hands and feet!![]()
He loves playing peek-a-boo these days with his shirt or his towel after his bath.
On July 8, 2012 he also started pulling up on his toys, and onto Logan and me. (I love that!) He also turns the pages of his books on command when we’re reading. So smart!![]()
Now that he’s more mobile, he loves seeing what he can get in to! I think he’s going to be a very busy little boy. :)![]()
It’s so much fun watching him figure out how things work.“Singing”. :)
Love this boy to pieces!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Day 15 of Knox’s ISR Swim Lessons – He’s Got It!!!
I was SO proud of Knox today at his swimming lessons! It’s like the light bulb has finally turned on, and he really gets it now. He did great! The first video is of him turning and floating after being flipped over.
I can’t wait to watch him continue to get better and better!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Army Crawlin’
He’s growing up too fast!
Knox’s 6 Month Pictures
I just realized I never posted Knox’s 6 month pictures! We ended up having to take them on 2 separate days because Knox just wasn’t giving out ANY smiles that first day. We met the photographer at the Grapevine Botanical gardens, and she’d recommended we come in the late morning to have the best light and before it got too hot. But this meant Knox’s nap was cut short, so once we started taking pictures, not only was he way more interested in seeing all the new sights and flowers around him, he was tired too. We drove out to her studio the following weekend to get the rest of the pictures. We got a few more smiles, but mostly I think he was confused as to why we were dancing around making silly noises trying to get him to laugh. :) Whatever it takes, right??