Well, I've been in the new condo for a week and a half now, and things are coming together nicely. I went to the store down the street tonight and got some flowers and a pumpkin for the front door to spruce it up for fall. I think it looks nice and inviting!

The new dining room rug also came in, and I love it. I'm really ready for a new dining room table. Nothing against this one, but I got it from a friend's dad for free several years ago when he was moving, and I'm just ready to pick one out that is a little more my style. I'm only posting a few pictures of the condo tonight. I still have several thing I want to get in place before I show the rest of it! So for now, these will have to tide you (my three readers) over. Oh! Make that four readers! I just found out Whitney reads my blog. (Hi Whitney!!)
The last two pictures are of the guest room and the guest bathroom. I'm not quite finished deciding how I want to decorate those yet. I think ultimately the guest room will be a media room, so there will be a comfy couch in there instead of a bed, and then it'll have another wall mounted TV. So if you're gonna visit, do it while there's a place to sleep!

Alright, I'm cooking dinner for Logan tonight, so I'd better get busy. Hopefully its edible... Wish me luck!
i like to read your blog too! i love the front door - it looks so inviting with the pumpkin and mums! also - i love the rug that you got. it looks great!
Congrats on your cute new place!
You can add me to the list of your faithful readers. And I LOVE the pumpkin and mums!! That's the one thing I couldn't wait to do when I first moved into my house.
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