Well, after spending the last week in South Padre Island, we're finally back to the real world. Doesn't it always seem like the time leading up to a vacation just crawls by, and when its finally here it just flies by? Logan and I went with Mike and Leanne to their condo on the beach again, and had a great time. We were a little nervous that the hurricaine would be a problem, but we actually had clear, sunny skies the whole week.
Another day, Leanne and I decided to go
horseback riding on the beach. I LOVE riding horses, but Leanne had never been on one before, so she was pretty nervous. She did well though. I'm not sure she'll ever do it again, but I'd go back in a heart beat. It was actually a prety cool riding experience. They took us from the bay side across the highway to the beach side where we rode up and down the beach for a while. Then we went riding through the sand dunes and foliage, which felt like we were in the desert. After that we went back to the beach and rode around there for a while again. I kept trying to get my horse to walk in the water a little, but he was having none of it. He'd get one foot near the tide and be done. I'd love to go riding there again next time we go. I'll have to pay somebody to go with me though. :)
On the day Logan and I did the dolphin watch, we stopped at a random restaurant for lunch called The Pelican. I had the BEST sandwich I've ever had in my life there. It was called the London Pub, and I have no idea what made it so great, but it was amazing. Logan got a blue cheese and bacon burger and said it was great too. We liked it so much that we took Mike and Leanne back there Thursday night to have wings and watch the football games. Later on in the evening, they had karaoke too, which was quite entertaining. I've never figured out why people who absolutely cannot sing get up there with a mic.
I had to board Lucy while we were gone, and when we picked her up she was ecstatic to see us! (I love that feeling.) They said she did great in doggie day care, and didn't try to eat anybody. Progress! Since I've had her home though, I've noticed she's drooling a lot. Its not like draining from her mouth or anything, but her face is always just soaked. And she smacks a lot, and is hacking sometimes, I'm assuming from the extra drool draining down her throat. When she was eating a rawhide yesterday I noticed it was pretty bloody, so I looked in her mouth. It looks like she's either broken or severely worn down at least 4 of her teeth - two on each side. I'm guessing she sat there and chewed on the door of her kennel the whole time she was in it at night. (We all remember how when I first got her she'd throw her body onto the door of the crate until it came open so she could get out...) She just hates being contained. Anyway, today I looked again and it looks like she's got several sores on both sides of her tongue too where those teeth are missing. So she has a vet appointment on Thursday. Hopefully she'll get used to having 4 less teeth and stop all the drooling by then, but if not, I guess we'll have to see what the vet says. I've never met a dog with more issues than Lucy. But I sure do love her. :)
I have the rest of the pictures from vacation online, so if you're interested in seeing them feel free to take a look!
Just stumbled across your blog because you had Great Danes listed as an interest... looks like your vacation was great. You wouldn't have to beg (or pay) me to go horseback riding, especially on a beach. Never done that, but it always looks like SOOO much fun.
Wow.... South Padre Island, I have heard about it. It's a beautiful place for vacation trips.
Hello sweet thing...I deleted our old blog but we started a nes one at meetthepecks.blogspot.com...just wanted tolet you know
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