Anyway, for our anniversary we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Trulucks. That place is great. Once again, Logan got the Dutch Harbor King Crab, and once again I had to hope that giant crab leg wouldn't walk across the table and attack me. It was HUGE. He actually got a leg and a half this time since it was so good before. Dutch Harbor is where the fishing boats sail out of on the show Deadliest Catch, which we've been addicted to lately. Once you turn it on, you can't stop watching it! Anyway, I'm including a picture of a freshly caught king crab on the show, and then the one on Logan's plate. Who knows... maybe they're related.

I got the filet with mashed potatoes and asparagus - my favorite meal in the world. It was pretty amazing, but the best part of dinner was dessert. Trulucks has the best desserts. We usually get
their carrot cake (which you know has to be pretty good if a self professed chocoholic like me will pass up chocolate for carrot cake!), but this time we got the chocolate bag. They make a dark chocolate mold from a paper bag, and fill it with angel food cake, whipped cream, fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. When they bring it out to you, its standing upright. They knock it over in front of you, and cut out the middle so you can get to all the goodness. Then, they drizzle warm chocolate on top. It. Is. Fabulous.
Anyway, we had a great anniversary, and I'm looking forward to many, many more in the future. 

congrats on the one year and the 15! hope you are doing well and sorry to hear about your foot. are you back at work yet? miss you!
WOW!! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!!
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