Thursday, January 31, 2013
The Vacuum... In Action!
This kid can't get enough of that vacuum toy! (Good purchase, Aunt Jess! Money well spent.) So we recently bought Knox a lawnmower to replace the vacuum because Knox just wouldn't play with anything else. While vacuuming occasionally is fine, Logan thought he needed a more "manly" toy. Don't get me wrong, Knox likes the lawnmower - but if he had to choose, it would always be the vacuum. I have no idea why. Anyway, I was vacuuming the house, and I saw Knox just watching me with my "big" vacuum. So I gave in and got his toy one back out. He was so funny and would copy every single thing I did. He'd vacuum for a minute, then stop and watch how I was doing it, and then start up again, with a very determined look on his face. Guess he had some major cleaning to do! (Sorry for the shaky camera work - it was hard to vacuum and record at the same time!)
Sunday Funday
Sunday Funday certainly has a new meaning these days than back when Logan and I first met. We used to spend the entire Sunday afternoon having brunch and watching every NFL football game that was televised. These days we tend to stick closer to home and enjoy some quality time with our little family - and I wouldn't change a thing.
Currently my favorite picture of Knox. Seriously - this has to be the cutest kid on the planet. |
Playing with the basketball... and his drum stick, of course. |
Getting tickled by Daddy! |
Action shot! |
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
This Week in Videos...
A couple of funny videos I took over the past week. The first two are on the same day (January 14, 2013). The first one is Knox doing some of his "tricks" he's learned, and the second is him mocking me. ;) He has never said "mama". I don't know if he can't, or just won't, but this is what he does every.single.time.
In this last video, I caught Knox doing summersaults in the crib when he was supposed to be napping. I have no idea when he learned how to do them! I looked at the monitor and he did like three in a row, but in the video I only caught the tail end of the last one. Silly boy. :)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Phone Video
I found a video I took on my phone of Knox "talking" on the phone like I was talking about. This was from around December 18, 2012, and on this particular day, his "phone" happened to be the satellite dish from his play airport. Whatever floats his boat!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Happy Birthday, Mom!
This year we celebrated my mom's birthday with lunch after church with my grandparents, Ross and Jessica, Mamaw and Papaw, and Ken and Nancy.
Happy Birthday, Mom!! We all love you!
Always happy when food is involved. :) |
Shoveling it in! |
Silly boy. :) |
Love this man. |
Smooches from Nonnie. |
Knox loving on the birthday girl! |
Reading birthday cards and opening gifts. |
Giving Aunt Jess a smooch! |
Got her! |
Little stinker. ;) |
Just chillin' |
Smooshing Uncle Ross' face. :) |
High fives with Ken and Nancy went well! |
But learning "bumps" didn't... (I love this picture! Favorite of the day.) :) |
The boy loves lemons and limes! |
With Great Papaw and Great Mamaw. |
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Saturday Morning Snuggles
There aren't too many pictures of Knox and I together because I'm always the one taking the pictures. Logan knows how much I treasure pictures (because I have a terrible memory, so these are my memories) so he was a sweet husband and saw a perfect photo opportunity that he knew I'd love having. He went and got my camera and snuck in a candid picture of Knox and I snuggling while watching some Brainy Baby.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Happy 14 Months, Knox!
This little guy is growing up way too fast! 14 months already?!? I skipped the 13 month sticker pictures because at this point it's sort of an ordeal to get any decent shots of him being still and looking at me. There's too much to get in to to stop and pose for the camera! But, I decided to try to get the 14 month ones, so these are the best I got!
I also forgot to post his 13 month milestones, so I'll include those here too. :)
I also forgot to post his 13 month milestones, so I'll include those here too. :)
He loves trying to get into his drawers and pull stuff out before I catch him. He's very mischevious... |
The monthly blue bear picture |
This is what most of the pictures looked like: him sliding out of the chair before I could back up enough to take the picture. I'm telling you - these picture sessions are a work out! |
The one picture I got of him smiling! |
14 month old feet! |
Love this picture. :) |
Walking around with his WubbaNub. He never used it as a pacifier like it's intended... he'd sometimes chew on the feet, but mostly he just likes playing with it. :) |
Climbing! I'm gonna have to keep my eye on this one! |
Reading... |
- On November 17, 2012 he said his first real word! He tried to repeat the word "brush". It sounds like "ush", and it's really cute to hear his little voice. One of his favorite things to do is to get into the drawer that has my brushes in it. Every time he comes into our bedroom, he makes a bee-line for the bathroom and heads straight for that drawer!
- On November 18, 2012, he started trying to brush his own hair when he'd get my brushes out. :)
- On November 25, 2012, he combined the two on his own. He went to the brush drawer, got out a brush, said "rush", and brushed his own hair. Smart boy! His first molar also started poking through - it's the one on the top left.
- On November 29, 2012 he sead his second word: "uck"! (That's truck in Knox speak.) :) He also learned how to open doors. Yikes!
- On December 2, 2012, he started saying "duck", which sounds like "truck" because it's "uck" again... but he knows the difference. You can ask him to get the duck, and he'll grab it and say "uck". :)
- On December 3, 2012, he heard the garbage truck outside, looked outside at it, then back at me, and said "uck!". I was shocked. I didn't know he'd ever even seen a garbage truck, much less knew that was the noise it made. I immediately realized that he's been picking up a whole lot more than I'd been giving him credit for. That same day he also started enforcing some of his independence - he would only eat if he could put the food on the spoon himself! (He may look like Logan, but every day I'm more convinced he's got my personality!)
- On December 5, 2012, he started pointing for the first time. (It was at the Christmas tree... probably at an ornament I wouldn't let him take off!)
- On December 13, 2012 he started walking around "talking" on his "phone" (which could be anything he deems a phone - the baby monitor, a remote control, my iPhone...) He puts it behind his neck and just jabbers away, pacing the room "talking". Its adorable.
- On December 17, 2012 his second molar started coming in. This one is the top right one.
- On December 26, 2012 he learned how to walk backwards while pulling his toys. That takes some coordination!
- On January 1, 2013 he started doing this funny thing when I'm rocking him to sleep. He knows he's supposed to be falling asleep, so he'll squeeze his eyes shut real tight, then peek at me to see if I'm looking. When he sees I'm watching him, he immediatly squeezes them shut super tight again. It's really funny.
- On January 8, 2013 he learned that spinning in a circle makes him dizzy - and he loves it. :) He'll spin around and around, then fall over, and can't get up because he's too dizzy. He just laughs and laughs at this! He also learned how to blow kisses, which is adorable.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Here Kitty Kitty...
Friday, January 4, 2013
The Vacuum...
Knox.Loves.Vacuuming. Seriously - this is his favorite toy of all time. I think he really just likes all the noise it makes! It makes these clackety popping noises as he drags it around, which is how he "vacuums" most of the time - by just dragging it behind him. Regardless, he's having fun, and what woman doesn't love a man that vacuums?!? Gotta train 'em young! ;)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
The Flu...
On New Year's Eve, Knox started running a fever of 101.5. The docor's office was closed New Years Day (and I had to work), so I took him in yesterday and he tested positive for Influenza A - even though he had his flu shot. He's been feeling SO crummy. We've been able to keep his fever down with tylenol and motrin, but his nose is running like crazy, he's got a really wet cough, and his eyes just look glazed. We started him on Tamiflu yesterday, and it already seems to be helping. Today is the first time I've gotten some smiles out of him!
Too tired to even sit up to play. |
I know it's blurry, but I love it anyway. He was running over to me. :) |
Laying down, playing with his flashlight. |
I love this. I snapped it as I started tickling him. :) |
More tickling... |
...and more tickling! |
Playing with his fire station. |
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