Wow – I can’t believe how quickly time flies! I’m so far behind on updating my blog, but having a newborn doesn’t leave much time for anything other than nursing and diaper changes. :) When I look at these pictures, I can’t believe how tiny Knox was when we brought him home! He’s changed and grown so much already. Logan and I were just talking today about how even though Knox is still really young, it feels like he’s been around forever, and we can’t imagine life without him. Parenthood is seriously the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s impossible to put into words the love I have for Knox. No, we’re not sleeping much – someone has their days and nights mixed up, a touch of colic and some reflux – but it’s totally and completely worth it. This saying is so true: “The days are long, but the years fly by.”
And now for the best part: the pictures! If you have kids, you’ll understand the total picture overload here, so I won’t even apologize. If not, you’ll understand someday. :)
When we brought Knox home from the hospital, Logan’s family was there, waiting patiently to get their hands on him! This is one very loved little boy.
Meeting Aunt Lacie.
With Aunt Leah.
With Aunt Jess.
I love that Ross is sound asleep on the couch!
Proud Daddy Logan.
Three Days Old:
Logan got the late late shift (4 am to 6 am), and when I came into the living room, I found he and Knox having a slumber party. Logan was pretty proud of his “couch fort” he’d built. There were pillows all around them so Knox wouldn’t fall off, and he was on top of the TCU blanket so he wouldn’t slip between the cushions. :) Hanging out in the swing.
Snoozing on Daddy. Lori stopped by after work to meet Knox!
And Laura Morton from work came that night and brought flowers and made us a three course Mexican dinner – which was amazing!
The feast! Home made tortilla soup, enchilladas, rice, guacamole, and a corn salsa dip. It. Was. Fantastic.
Logan’s boss sent us a fruit arrangement! Four Days Old:
More snuggle time with Daddy after the late night shift.
Enjoying the swing again. Hanging out with a very tired Mommy.
Bundled up and enjoying the WubbaNub pacifier. :)
Five Days Old:
A sleep deprived Logan and I decided to call in the reinforcements, and my mom (aka Nonnie) came to the rescue, taking the night shift so Logan and I could get some sleep between nursing sessions. She loved it. We loved it. Knox loved it. And we got some sleep!
On the way to his first pediatrician’s visit.
Knox’s birth weight was 7 pounds 3 ounces (19.5 inches long), and when we were discharged from the hospital, he had slightly dropped to 6 pounds 13 ounces. Three days later at the pediatrician’s visit at 5 days old, he was back up to 6 pounds 15 ounces, and at his two week check up had gained all the way to 8 pounds 6 ounces (20.5 inches)! His one month weight was 9 pounds 13 ounces (22 inches). My boy likes to eat!
Later that night, evidence of his love for eating: this milk coma.
He also got his first bath at home that night! He was not a fan. :)
Daddy getting in on the action.
Apparently the hood on this towel was a little too big…
All clean, but not very happy about it!
Uncle Ross warming him up after his bath.
Wide awake in the middle of the night again. :)
Six Days Old:
A little bleary eyed after another late night shift… but look who’s finally asleep! On the way to get our newborn photos taken.
A sneak peek that I couldn’t resist taking with my camera. :)
Getting him posed for another shot.
Taking a pacifier break, during which he peed in her nice wagon. Oops.
All that picture taking wears a boy out!
One Week Old:
Excuse the awkward shot of Logan’s lap, but this guy sleeps like his Momma! Mouth wide open and hand over his head. He’s mine alright! Using our monthly onsie stickers – this one says “Just Born”. He’s so tiny in his rocker!
Tiny feet!
I love this one. Right after this, he kicked his leg around and rolled over onto his back! Probably just a coincidence, but maybe he’s the youngest baby to learn to roll over? ;)
He found his hands! During his 4-D sono, we couldn’t get a good view of his face because he was always sucking on his fingers. :)
With Ron Ron.
And Mommy. Sweet Angel.
He LOVES his bouncy. This is a good thing because it allows me to actually get to take a shower! Working on some tummy time with Aunt Lyndsie and Daddy.
Yet another milk coma…
Chilling in the bouncy again.
We LOVE the floor mat from Ken and Nancy Smith. It’s perfect for working on our tummy time.
Happy Thanksgiving! We went to my parent’s house this year and had all the usual Thanksgiving food, which was amazing. Knox spent the entire day being held and doted on, which he didn’t mind at all.
Family portrait. :)
Chowing down.
With my little turkey!
Turkey booty. :) With Great Mamaw and Ron Ron.
Oh, how she loved snuggling this baby! More Nonnie time.
Daddy leaning in to give Knox a kiss. :)
Thanksgiving milk coma? Two Weeks Old:
Hanging out in my activity gym!
Done with tummy time.
So mad!
Not sure what to think about those flashing lights…
Knox’s first bottle of breastmilk. He took it down like a champ!
Think he looks like Daddy a little? Grinning with Mommy.
Aunt Bari came to visit!
So did cousin Shea.
Somebody is wide awake! (And super cute!)
Three Weeks Old:
Leanne and Mike came to meet Knox.
Mike’s a natural! Getting so big!
Maybe tummy time isn’t so bad after all!
Such a cutie pie!
Our first trip to BluFish.
Auntie Jess took a break from work and came to see us.
Reindeer booty! :)
I love snuggle time after baths.
One month old!!
I still can’t believe how much Knox has changed in just a month.
Tiny feet! Posing with the bear from Jacqueline and Henry.
K is for Knox!
Elvis lip. :) And just so I can keep track of some of Knox’s firsts:
He started making real eye contact on December 8th, 2011, and started following and tracking objects with his eyes on December 9th, 2011. He’s started being more alert when he’s awake now, so it’s fun to be able to interact with him more. It’s so cool to watch him take in all his surroundings
He is still colicky at night – usually between 1 am and 6 am, but that’s starting to get better. I finally decided part of it was related to reflux, so I got the pediatrician to write him a prescription for some Zantac, which seems to be helping. It tastes absolutely awful, and he hates taking it, but if it helps him feel better, it’s worth it! He’s been wanting to nurse about every hour and forty five minutes to two hours no matter how hard I try to stretch him to three hours to get him on a better routine. This means by the time I’ve nursed him (which takes about 40 minutes), burped him, changed his diaper (and probably his outfit too from spit up), we only have about an hour before we start all over again. Since it’s flu and RSV season, the pediatrician doesn’t want us taking Knox out to public places until he’s 8 weeks old, but with this feeding routine, we wouldn’t have time to get anywhere before it was time to feed again anyway. :)
I can’t believe the little guy is already a month old. It has really flown by. I’m so looking forward to watching him grow and change even more, and seeing his little personality develop!
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