Starting to get the hang of it, and maybe even like it a little!
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Happy 4 Months Knox!
On March 11th, Knox turned 4 months old, and he’s a big healthy boy! :) At his doctor’s appointment he weighed in at 16 lbs 7 ounces (90th percentile) and was 25.8 inches long (also 90th percentile). He’s as sweet as can be, and his little personality is coming out a little more every day. He’s generally a pretty happy guy, but once he’s decided he wants something, he wants it now! (He’s a little like his Momma that way…)
He’s still waking up to eat twice at night. He goes to bed at 7, and has his first feeding around 11, followed by the 3 am feeding, and then wakes up for the day between 6 and 7:30. He’s still a short napper during the day. I’m still laying down with him during his first nap because I’m tired too from waking up twice at night! If I lay down with him, he’ll sleep an hour or two. If I don’t lay down with him his naps are only 30 to 45 minutes. Not nearly enough time for me to get much done! :)
He also met another big milestone – he rolled over from back to front on March 12, 2012! That’s a bit harder than rolling over from front to back, so he doesn’t do it as often. It’s gotten pretty difficult to get him to do any tummy time lately because as soon as I put him on his tummy, he’s already rolling over onto his back. :)
Now on to his 4 month pictures! Look at how big he’s gotten! Love that smile. :)
Sweet baby feet. :)
He might have face planted into the bear while I was taking his picture. Hasn’t quite mastered sitting up unassisted yet. ;)
He also discovered how much fun his toes are on March 14th, 2012.
Happy boy!!
That smile just melts my heart. :)
Playing with the pillow Nonnie made him.
And eating his lovie’s face. EVERYTHING goes into the mouth.
Sweet baby hands.
So at our 4 month doctor’s appointment, Dr. Crow told us that one reason Knox may not be sleeping through the night yet is because he’s such a big guy, he truly is hungry since breast milk is metabolized so quickly. She recommended starting him on some rice cereal every night before bed to help keep his tummy a little fuller. Being as sentimental as I am, I of course cried at the thought of my baby being old enough to start eating real food. But… being the sleep lover that I am, I was willing to give it a shot. :)
Ready for my first rice cereal! What’s this…
Not so sure about this…
I have to eat more??
Maybe it’s not so bad…
Yes, I’ll have more of that!
I thought this face was funny.
Eating rice cereal is extremely messy, so we finish up the night with a bath, which he loves!
Such a little love!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Playing Catch Up…
Well, once again I’ve gotten behind on my blogging! Things have been busy around here. I went back to work at Medical City Children’s in the Pedi CVICU for a couple of shifts, but have since turned in my 2 weeks notice. I’ve accepted a position at Presby Allen (which is about 5 minutes from our house) in the PACU/Day Surgery unit. I’m really excited about the hours - I’ll be working 8 hour shifts every Friday with no holidays or weekends required. But the thing I’m a little nervous about is working with grown ups! I haven’t done that since nursing school. :) I’m willing to give it a shot… but I imagine I’ll be back to pediatrics before too long.
On to Knox! The boy is still growing like a weed. Still waking up usually two times during the night to eat, but he did have one week where he would only wake up once. We got some 8 hour sleep stretches then, which was fabulous! I think the only reason he’s stopped that is because he and I were a little sick. I’m pretty sure once he’s back to 100% we’ll get some longer sleep stretches again.
Sweet guy!
Getting better at actually enjoying tummy time.
La La came to visit!
He’s still obsessed with the TV. He actually stretches his neck out during bath time to try to see it. Nothing smells better than a clean baby!
Such a round little face!
Logan’s mini-me.
He’s really been enjoying playing in his exersaucer. This day he kept sucking on the plastic spinning wheel. He looked like one of those fish that suck on the glass of a fish tank. :)
Sweet boy.
We celebrated Ross’s 28th birthday at the Creel’s house. Everyone loved getting to hold Knox, and he did pretty well with that! He has no idea how blessed he is to have so many people that love him.
Aunt Jess’s turn!
Birthday boy!
Nonnie’s turn.
I love this picture of my Mamaw holding Knox.
Ron Ron making Knox giggle.
Mom, Dad, and Ross.
My sweet little family!