We had such a good time, celebrating the next phase in Jacqueline and Philip's life! We love you guys!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A Baby Shower for Jacqueline
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Mommy Make-over
A couple of weeks ago, my mom mentioned that she liked my eye-shadow, and was asking about what kind I use. (M.A.C. Love it.) She was talking about wanting to try out some silver/grey shadows, so I offered to come over and try my best to give her a make up make-over. Granted, I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to make up... but like all girls, I have fun playing with it - especially now that I have all the fun brushes and about 12 different eye shadow colors. What started out as a girlie make up night ended up turning into a family get together, which was great! Ross, Jessica, and of course Logan came out to my parents house and I cooked my now "famous" rosemary baked chicken, with roasted rosemary potatoes and steamed asparagus. Apparently it was a success, since I saw all empty plates. :)
Jessica was our "Before" and "After" photographer for the make over. Here's "Before..."
And "After"... I'm clearly not a professional make up applier (there's gotta be a better word for it than that...) but I thought it looked pretty good! Definitely heavier eye make up than she normally wears, but I told her it would be good for all those dates my dad can take her on!
With her eyes closed (on purpose) to show off those smokey eyes!
Logan and Ross waiting in line for their make overs. Nah, just dessert. :)
Jessica was our "Before" and "After" photographer for the make over. Here's "Before..."

Sunday, August 8, 2010
A couple of weekends ago, Logan and I went to 3Hundred with Mike and Leanne. 3Hundred is this place with black light bowling, an arcade, pool tables, and a bar. Like Chuck-E-Cheese for grown ups.
My fancy bowling shoes...
Leanne, getting ready to bowl...
Mike's turn...
Leanne... I tried to take this picture without the flash, but that didn't turn out so well...
Me bowling - I did alright!
Logan was really, really good. He even beat us all playing left handed. :)
We had such a great time "playing" with our friends. Mike and I even competed in a game of Dance, Dance Revolution. Would you believe he beat me??? Who knew Mike was such a Fred Astaire! ;)
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